Major Arcana

The first card of the cycle
is like a smiling baby which
is curiously observing its surroundings, and rolling its
eyes. All while pulling your
leg just a little bit. The answer is guaranteed, yes!

You have great power
or talent to create,
to transform, to do something for others. You can be
a good mage, or evil sorcerer,
use your creative abilities
well. The answer is yes.

Stop and think, what the
hell are you doing? This
card is not a call for action,
be wise and wait. Think
about it. Don't be a jerk.
The answer is no. Caress
your spiritual self.

Woman as leader. Mother
nature, a mom, who will
place you under house arrest,
a mom who can tame the
garden overrun with weeds.
A new female energy will
establish peaceful order.

Money, what else? A boss of
the firm, ceo, you're holding
your status tooth and nail
and you fight like a lion.
Or your fight is yet to come.
Selfconfidence, but not arrogance, be careful.

He gives order and the meaning
to where there is pure chaos,
he unites stars into constellations. He considers old
traditions and thinks about it.
This, or that? He unlocks
doors, and looks for keys.

Yay! Love is love, some
probably just think about
what's under your skirt. But
beware, it is also necessary
to look at lovers as individuals, as independent companions. The answer: yes.

Not too sharp. I feel stress
exuding from you. Preparation, discipline, now that's
your cup of tea. When you're
well prepared and you don't
underestimate it, you don't
have to worry about bad
results. Come on!

The fire lashes from you
and you roar like a lion, like
an independent strong beast.
To tame that lion and
scratch him under his chin
might help. Warning: fiery
burnouts! Take a day off.

Before you can form a deeper
connection with others, you
have to find yourself first.
The hermit is on his road
on purpose. He has to experience it. Yes or no? You
already know the answer.

Transformation and balance
must occur. If one area is
lacking, it must be balanced
out elsewhere. No one is at
the top or the bottom forever.
Change, possibly a new love?
Nothing stays the same 4ever!

So now the consequences of
your actions will catch up.
It doesn't have to be just
a hangover, whether moral
or physical. Gain karma.
Have a clear conscience.
The truth will come out!

He's upside down, so he sees
the reality differently. Either
eversely, or in a different
light. He should realize that
he's in a different position
compared to the others.
Watch out.

Change!!! Every ending leads
to the new beginning. The
form is changing, the ice is
melting, if you broke up, it
was the right choice. Maybe
it's time for change. To take
out the rubbish is a great

Balance your strength and
if you have more, share with
others. Understand, make
compromises. He wants red,
you want blue, the result is
purple! Stay calm and don't
be silly. Patience. Don't
push so much.

Hello, there is a problem,
which you've probably been
ignoring for some time. You
don't want to start, or admit
something to yourself. The
fire will soon turn to ashes.
Clean up your room. For

Damn, what a pitty. This
is not a good card. Unwelcomed change, betrayal,
empty toilet roll, a house of
cards collapses. At least you
can now build more stable

The light from a dream
that leads you through
hopefully. It shines on your
hands and helps you find
your place. Do you, ehm, just
asking, do you have a crush
on your teacher?

Subconscious and internal
dialogs, emotions and debates
at the family table, maybe
clues in your dreams. This
card delves into the past,
perhaps something is
bothering you.

Warmth, summer, shorts,
chill, don't forget to use the
sunscreen! Don't be afraid
to get excited, this card
is lit. It shines into the future
and the answer is unequivocally yes!

It's time to make the final
decision, chop it up. The last
hour is coming, the announcers are already blaring their
trumpets, others want to
know!!! The card can also
examine the question of faith.

Absulotely everything. The
whole world lies at your feet.
Everything is unified but at
the same time an infinite
amount of possibilities present themeselves. Everything
fits together. The answer: yes!
Minor Arcana

The scepter with which you
can cast a spell. A project,
an idea, you have the enthusiasm, passion and taste and
you can smell spring in the
air. Manifest. Your eyes are
burning. Are you excited?

Plan which way your path
will lead. Self-discipline is
now your new middle name.
Remember, what you're
doing it for. Before you go
shopping, make a list.
Someone can also join you.

Small victories, you've
crossed the first bridge.
The mild initial despair
after overcoming the first
obstacle is here. Don't give
up now and go kick their

A ceremonial victory, you've
come a long way. Mission
accomplished. There will be
an award, some sort of celebration, I know, it comes as a surprise, but maybe even
a wedding! It's a positive
card full of gratitude.

The first conflict is on its
way. Your project or relationship grows, others' oppinions
are adding up, a lot of people
bullshitting, it's kinda
complicated. Take a breath
and consider all advice.

Hey you, can't you just stay
calm for a second?! You are
now over some kind of
conflict, fight, and so it is
necessary to rest a little and
appreciate the beauty. Find
yourself a time.

You're fighting with yourself
now. Inner conflict, contradiction, annoying, right?
Believe in your own abilities,
zigzagging around problems,
that's easy peasy.
Hard times!

It's been a long way.
Something has been a drag
for a while, as if you were
walking in the woods and
couldn't see through the trees.
Now, take another breath.
As Katy Perry sings: Roarrr!

Your project can work quite
well without your constant
attention, even your love life
is at its ideal point. That's
why you have to keep in
mind, that you still have to
keep trying. Care about it.

It's done!!!! You are a leader.
Boss. You've finished what
you've been working on so
much, so now what? Great
responsibility. Think about
whether you can handle it
all by yourself.

New inspiration! Childish
enthusiasm shines in your
eyes and sexy pink glasses sit
on your nose. Now is the time
for action, before you start
questioning it (is this tattoo
really what you want, haha).

The knight rushes passionately into action. You
already have lots of skills
and experience under your
belt and can continue to
growing. Time to shatter that
glass ceilling.

Positive energy. Under the
rule of this queen all shall
bloom and shine. She is
smiling at her surroundings.
Nobody wants to take her
throne, even those in the
dungeon love her haha.

Looks like you're someone's
role model. You influence
people around you, so watch
out. Influencer vibe! How
can you think you can best
inspire others in a good way?
Minor Arcana

Before you take sword in
hand, a small problem
appears. Do you know how
to fight with a sword? This
is bad, man. You could cut
yourself. Don't do things you
know nothing about too

You can't see where you're
stabbing, you're blinded.
After all, you know it. When
you learn a new thing you
immediately think you are
a champion, but you still
have a long way ahead.

Aaa. Betrayal. Heartbreak.
Murder!! Bullying. Ugly
words, see. This card is
a warning. Be careful and
at the same time think over
if it's not you, who's here to

Put down the weapons and
take a rest. Take a break
from it. Recharge your
energy, eat a ton of chocolate,
watch a whole season of that
one silly TV show, and
reflect on your experiences.

You're like a little kid, but
what did parents always say
since the dawn of time?
"The wiser gives in", and
"let's sleep on it". A battle is
coming and it's not good and
it won't get better. Hands off.

Get over it. It's time to keep
going, leave it behind and try
to take a new direction.
Nostalgia, fear of change,
fuck that. The advice: break
up if it's not nice eeeeh.
Pardon me.

You are building a wall,
there's something you want to
hide from. Are you running
away? Evenings when you
text your homies you can't
come while you sit at home
eating your third sandwich.
Is it worh it?

You're hiding and covering
your eyes up. You don't see
anything and therefore you
don't even know what is
really going on around you.
Yes, not everyone is a knight
in shining armor. But damn
it, grow a pair, dude!

Don't hide under the covers,
don't be a crybaby, maybe it
was too much for you, but
no one cares! That's life,
come on! You can do it,
make a cup of tea with
honey and start again.

After so many bad things,
you have the worst behind
you. Oof. The peace you have
now will soon come to an
end. The whole problem will
come to an end. Calmly wait
for the execution.

Freshman energy, you
already know some tricks
you can flex with. If you act
with the purest intentions,
you could really lean into it.
Well, just don't worry, come

Man, everything goes well,
either you're now a really
experienced player, or you've
learned to handle it like
a real tough bastard. Play
fair, this game is played fair.

So, she really doesn't give
a rats ass. Pardon my french.
She's not afraid, she can
overcome everything and
anything, she can tame
everyone with only a frosty
look, with perfect elegance.

You already know you don't
need a sword to win. Lay
down the weapons and find
a better solution. The king
can step away from strength
and use diplomacy.
It's easier, than it seems.
Minor Arcana

Emotions are starting to
bubble, a source gushing to
the surface. Do you have
a crush on someone? Or is
someone being a real drag!
Either way, the feeling slowly
spreads through your body.

Imagine a meerkat falling in
love with a penguin, their
enclosures in the zoo are very
far away from each other!
There are big differences, but
it is possible. Love makes the
world go round.

The party is in full swing,
you are holding a glass of
wine (it's a box wine, but you
don't mind) and there is a lot
of people! Nozzle, celebration,
a lot of communication, not
too fun for introverts. Disco!

You're sitting still like
a stone, your glass has
overflown. For the first time
something went wrong, your
routine is starting to become
boring, you're losing your will
and everything seems foggy.

For a long time you've been
slapped around, you get hit,
but you got used to it, it has
become a habit. You're
almost comfortable by it.
You need to cultivate some
courage, it can't keep going
on like this!

It's time for action! Enough
suffering! The song „Eye of
the tiger“ is playing in the
background and you
suddenly have the strength
to help your neighbors with
shopping, your little brother
with his homework and
you might even wash the
dishes at home!

Seven deadly sins, insincere
escapes from reality. You are
avoiding something and in
the proces you created your
very own happy alter ego.
Don't ignore your problems.
Do your homework!

You are walking on the
ridge of a mountain, the
wind blows and there are
no trees or shrubs around to
catch on. Your thoughts are
all jumbled. As the Beatles
sing: Le it be.

Look, something's going to
happen. Or it's already
happening and is inevitable,
you will have to cross that
hill when you get there. It
will leave a memory you'll
fondly remember.

Dad is mowing the grass in
the garden while sneezing
from the allergies. Mom is
embroidering patterns. Sister
is shouting „Look, omg,
a rainbow!“ Coffee and cake.
Absolute wellbeing and

You're holding back
emotions. That is nderstand-
able, words - difficult. Yeah.
But try writing everything
down on a piece of paper or
communicating your feelings
by pantomime. Bring
what you feel to the world.

So this guy in the picture,
he already knows whats up.
He reined in his emotions
and now he gallops on them
to meet his happy future.
You can do it too.

You're sitting alone in the
bathtub wasting water others
need much more than you.
But it is so warm and
comfy! You're in trouble.
Hug someone, don't worry
to ask for a big bear hug!

This card says: you are
a fighter. If your emotions
were to be translated to the
language of computer games,
this card would mean you
have reached your highest lvl.
And you have +1000 XP!
Minor Arcana

The door is open for you,
a way to something dazzling.
It's a little scary. You don't
know what is behind them.
A new job? New people?
Some new idea? This card
advises you to go through the
door of opportunity.

You're good at juggling.
Up and down and around,
it's like riding a rollercoaster.
But don't forget, life is like
smokers. Whoever has
tobacco, always offers it.
Sharing is caring. And those
who don't have it, they won't
reject it.

And here it is. A new
project, new job, new opportunity. Perhaps you're looking back, you're doubting
yourself for you're playing
with the thought of packing
it up, but this tarot advises:
work, bitch!

You hold your bundle of
happiness, you guard your
treasure and no one will také
it from you. Money, that
keeps you grounded. Money
is there to be spent, so share
it ha!

„Well, that's exactly why
you're not doing too well. I've
said it!“ Doesn't it remind
you of anything? Getting
dumped, bankruptcy, getting
the axe, failure, not good.
Don't worry, it'll get better.

Consider properly if it's time
to ask someone for help. Or to
help somebody else. Charity
is a great thing, sort through
the wardrobe and share.
Invite friends over for dinner.
Thank more.

Start saving. Saying plainly,
the time has come. Even if it's
only one coin a day. Plant
a seed and let it grow, také
care of it. After all, you
know it will come in handy.

Even cacti should be watered
once in a while, you know.
Everything needs to be cared
for. To be nurtured. If you
want to achieve something,
you have to work on it. Work

You've already saved some
money, so now is the time
to spend it. You can finally
reap what you have sown.
Observe what's going on
around you. Vacation!!!
A pair of earrings! Another
vinyl from Graffneck!

Your potential is fully developed. Promotion, leader
in a project, suddenly you
are a little above the others
and you can advise them.
You became an OG! Now is
not a time for change.
Keep it.

All naive pure energy,
enjoyment, hope, it's
out now. New job, gift,
opportunity, idea, offer,
project, loan, talent... this
card advises: Hell yeah!
Do it!

You use your money pillow
like an armor and you think
you will hide behind. Not at
all. Is it worth it? It is really
worth it? You give in more
than would be good.
Calm down a little.

Pregnancy? Eee? Creative
energy revolves around your
chakras and the union of
femininity and natural
perception form a fertile environment. Plant a flower,
it won't die this time!

He's a swagger. He can
walk on his hands, legs, head
and yet he won't fall. He's a
rapper, cool. He has a bull!
Or at least the strength of
a bull. An experienced dude,
he's been through it all.